Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Call centre software

Every one who calls into call center can expect rapid and accurately resolve its problem.

Therefore, businesses must know the call center effective it will improve relationships and customer satisfaction.

Call centre software systems perform a variety of functions such as automating processes, reporting in real time and integrating different channels of communication between agents and customers.

For those needs you can find one provider which provides services IP PBX. All I know they provide services, and including Business Process Automation that is the process a business uses to contain costs. It consists of integrating applications, restructuring labor resources, and using software applications throughout the organization.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Pusat Data Internet Ikut Memanaskan Bumi

Perkembangan pusat data Internet ikut menyumbang emisi karbon ke angkasa. Boleh jadi penerbangan akan lebih ramah lingkungan daripada Internet. Internet pernah dianggap sebagai kawasan ramah lingkungan. Pendirian usaha baru di Internet tidak perlu menghabiskan lahan atau emisi karbon seperti usaha konvensional. Dugaan ini ternyata keliru.

Data di Internet disimpan di pusat data (data center). Di pusat data terdapat server lengkap berpendingin udara agar bisa bekerja optimal. Salah satu pusat data terbesar terdiri atas 80.000 server.

Pusat data rakus listrik. Di AS, pusat data melahap 1,5 persen total konsumsi listrik. Pada 2005 pusat data mengkonsumsi 1 persen konsumsi listrik dunia, naik dari 0,6 persen pada 2000. Ketika dikonversi, emisi karbon yang dilepaskan oleh pusat data internet saban tahun sudah mengatasi Argentina dan Belanda. Kalau laju konsumsi ini dibiarkan, maka pada 2020 emisi karbon Internet mencapai 670 juta ton.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

World Cup 2010 South Africa

World Cup 2010 South Africa is the 19th  an international soccer championship, which will be held on June 11 until July 11, 2010 in South Africa. There are 32 teams that will compete there for the highest trophy in world football.

Because the World Cup is a very big event and historic,
it will be very nice if we could watch every game to be immediately in South Africa.

To watch you of course must have a ticket, but do not worry we can also buy tickets via the Internet

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Windows 7 Registry Cleaner

Oh my god, why my windows 7 some days it feels booting very slow ..

Even though I've checked the computer and no viruses or spy ware, I also have defragged hardrive, Disable the programs, services and device drivers are less unused, clean up the disk but my computer still seems very slow booting.

Exactly what happened with my computer?

Then I was looking for information on the internet and asked to my friends why did this happen. The information I get is probably cause the problem of register, and then I searched the Windows 7 Registry Cleaner what's good on the internet. And I found software that I can download and install it on my computer.

What happened to my computer right now, wow, and my windows registry clean again and the computer can be a normal and faster.
For those of you who experienced the same problem with me, you can also download and install Windows 7 Registry Cleaner.



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